Identifying Suitable M&A Targets

Selected Impact Study

Our client wanted to improve its market position as a supplier for the Ethanol industry with a strategic acquisition. Derived from our Value-Chain-Analysis-Model for the food industry, we utilized a detailed process analysis for Ethanol production as the basis for the identification of suitable targets.

The Task

A global manufacturer of mechanical equipment wanted to transform itself into a systems supplier for Ethanol production. Due to the fact, that our client couldn’t develop a comprehensive M&A target list internally, Delphi was contacted to ensure that some suitable acquisition targets would be added to the list.

Budget constraints and a short timeframe where the key reasons, why our customer decided to work with Delphi Data Labs instead of a traditional M&A advisory. The task for Delphi was simple: “Bring us some suitable acquisition targets”.

The Findings

For this task, our database and smart search algorithms played an important role in identifying the right acquisition targets, but the task relied on our human skills as well. Thanks to the deep knowledge about industrial production processes, our team was able to quickly identify the most complementary profitable equipment types in the Ethanol production process.

We were able identify 25 relevant companies, from which five were recommended as possible acquisition targets. Each company well-assessed in a compact M&A score card. The customer was especially happy with our quick project delivery as well as with the attractive price.

Due to our highly automated research, we could offer a price which was significantly below the pricing of established M&A advisories.

Delphi P2X/Hydrogen Dashboard

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